Tuesday 3 April 2012


Ovid ws from a rich family that lived near Rome.Ovid's full name was Pubilus Ovidius Naso .His father wanted him to became a lawyer , but Ovid decided to be a poet .He published his first book of poetry about 18 B.C .,when he was 25 years old .it was called the 'AMORES ', OR lOVE POEMS .This book was remarkable,becuase in those days,,peopl;e were not allowed to write abou of love outside of marriage,and Ovid did just that. Ovid's second book was also remarkable,but in a differwent way.He wrote the Metamorphoses,or the changes,hich he published probably publishedabout8 B.C.,when he was 35 years old .This is a long poem telling lots of short stories about the changes in the world from the time of creation to the death of Julius Ceaser.It tells nearly every story from Greek Mythology that we know -in fact ,many Greek stories are know today mainly becuase they are in Metamorphoses.

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